Cover Image for Koii x Truflation Hackathon
Cover Image for Koii x Truflation Hackathon
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Koii x Truflation Hackathon

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About Event

Koii x Truflation Hackathon, aimed at harnessing the power of Koii tools and community  to support  the efforts at Truflation with crowdsourcing price feeds to augment  its data and index tools.

  • Koii is a decentralized platform that empowers developers to create and monetize innovative applications, and allows users to earn rewards by running a node.

  • And Truflation with the Truflation Stream Network (TSN) is the go-to definitive reference point for RWA, indexes including the truCPI for calculating inflation with over 18M+ data points from, 60+ qualified and verified data providers.

The goal would be create a Koii Task that can succesfully monitor through crawlers Election Sentiment Data for:

  • Inflation

  • Crime

  • Education

  • Healthcare

  • Housing

  • Labour

  • Unemployment

  • Trend Analysis - Use Truflation enterprise access or crowdsource data and use Truflation’s SDK to uncover economic trends.

    The prize structure for the hackathon is as follows:

    1. $1,000 of Koii tokens and $1,000 of Truflation tokens for every submission that meets the criteria.

    2. Invitations to our Koii Ocean Accelerator for the top winner who submits an exceptional project, assuming all milestones are met.

    3. To qualify for prizes, submissions must include a working Koii task that curates data and submits it to Truflation's API or Koii Storage SDK.

      Winners will be based on the following criteria:

    • So a winning submission will gather information using koii nodes and submit it to the truflation API

    • - Sophistication; your task is doing something interesting and unique

    • - Use-Case/Scalability; your task provides a valuable service, does it have the ability to scale?

    • - Security; your implementation should do its best to protect your users

    • Koii and Truflation reserve the right to select and/or deny any and all submissions.

      To Sign Up please fill out this form:

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Presented by
Koii-munity Events
Koii Events on Discord & X
Hosted By