Cover Image for REGISTER for The Post-Truth Era
Cover Image for REGISTER for The Post-Truth Era
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FORUM Debates
We are a dialogue assembly linking:debate that embodies the spirit of constructive discussion.
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About Event


Are you concerned about the rise of disinformation and its impact on political systems worldwide? Do you have insights into how truth fabrication is shaking the foundations of democracy? We invite you to join our FREE upcoming panel debate, where we will explore the urgent challenges posed by disinformation and manipulation in the digital age.

Discussion Topics

  • In what ways is the fabrication of truth disrupting political systems?

  • What measures can we expect from slow-to-react governing bodies to prevent the chaos of a fact-free world?

  • Can we dissect the ramifications of disinformation and manipulation, and highlight strategies to safeguard democratic integrity?

In 2024, we face an unprecedented convergence: the largest election year in history alongside the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence. This debate will unfold the convergence of these realms, examining how disinformation campaigns and manipulation techniques are not only a threat to democratic discourse but also to social justice efforts—and potentially, to democracy itself.

Followed by a networking event.

Read more about this topic here:

MOOS Space
Moosdorfstraße 7-9, 12435 Berlin, Germany
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Presented by
FORUM Debates
We are a dialogue assembly linking:debate that embodies the spirit of constructive discussion.
Hosted By