Cover Image for Project management | 07, 14 & 21.03.24 | Rheoli prosiect
Cover Image for Project management | 07, 14 & 21.03.24 | Rheoli prosiect
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Project management | 07, 14 & 21.03.24 | Rheoli prosiect

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Rheoli prosiect

7, 14 & 21 Mawrth 2024 | 9.30 am – 12.30 pm | Online

Cyflwynir drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


Bydd y cwrs hwn yn rhoi gwybodaeth a sgiliau ymarferol i chi ar reoli prosiect fel y gallwch gynllunio a chyflenwi prosiectau sy’n llwyddo i fodloni amcanion eich prosiect. 


Bydd y cwrs ar-lein hwn yn eich tywys drwy amrediad o egwyddorion ac offer rheoli prosiect, gan ganolbwyntio’n gryf ar ddatblygu eich sgiliau ar gyfer sefydlu, rheoli a goruchwylio prosiect.

Bydd y cwrs wedi’i rannu’n dri gweithdy ar-lein rhyngweithiol ac yn cynnwys cyflwyniadau, gwaith grŵp bach, trafodaethau a gwaith unigol. Bydd yr hyfforddiant yn cael ei gefnogi gan sleidiau PowerPoint a set lawn o daflenni a thempledi rheoli prosiect.

Canlyniadau dysgu

  1. Gweithdy 1:
    1. Deall y camau wrth ddatblygu prosiect
    2. Gwerthfawrogi sut i ysgrifennu dogfen cychwyn prosiect
    3. Gallu cynllunio eich fframwaith monitro a gwerthuso
    4. Gallu ysgrifennu nodau, amcanion, allbynnau a chanlyniadau prosiect

  2. Gweithdy 2:
    1. Deall sut i ymhél â phartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid prosiect
    2. Gwybod sut i nodi a dadansoddi risgiau a phroblemau prosiect
    3. Gallu cynllunio ar gyfer argyfyngau posibl a rhoi mesurau lliniaru ar waith

  3. Gweithdy 3:
    1. Gallu cynllunio strategaethau ar gyfer olyniaeth a strategaeth ymadael
    2. Gallu gwerthuso’r prosiect yn ei gyfanrwydd a chwblhau’r adroddiad gwerthuso
    3. Myfyrio ar eich sgiliau rheoli prosiect eich hun
    4. Edrych ar gael y gorau o’r tîm prosiect

Ar gyfer pwy mae'r cwrs

Mae’r cwrs hwn i unrhyw un sydd â chyfrifoldeb dros ddatblygu a rheoli prosiectau fel rhan o’i waith bob dydd. Bydd angen i chi ddod â syniad cyfredol neu bosibl am brosiect gyda chi i’r cwrs.


Project management

7, 14 & 21 March 2024 | 10 am – 1 pm | Online

Delivered through the medium of English


This course will provide you with practical project management skills and knowledge so you can plan and deliver projects that successfully meet your project outcomes.


This online course will take you through a range of project management principles and tools, with a strong focus on developing your skills for setting up, managing and overseeing a project.

The course is split into three interactive online workshops and will include presentations, small group work, discussions and individual work. The training will be supported by PowerPoint slides and a full set of handouts and project management templates.

Learning outcomes

  1. Workshop 1:
    1. To understand the stages in project development
    2. To appreciate how to write the project initiation document
    3. To be able to plan your monitoring and evaluation framework
    4. Be able to write project aims, objectives, outputs, outcomes

  2. Workshop 2:
    1. To understand how to engage with project partners and stakeholders
    2. To know how to identify and analyse project risks and issues
    3. To be able to plan contingencies and mitigation measures

  3. Workshop 3:
    1. To be able to plan succession and exit strategies
    2. To be able to evaluate the overall project and complete the evaluation report
    3. To reflect on your project management skills
    4. To explore getting the best out of the project team

Who this course is for

This course is for anybody who has responsibility for developing and managing projects as part of their everyday work. You will need to have a current or potential project idea to bring to the course.