why fetch when you can sync?
why fetch when you can sync?
come get hands-on experience working with electric, a postgres sync engine that just works.
Heres the schedule:
1:00 - 1:30: Intro to core concepts
1:30 - 2:30: Hands on: Real-time push
2:30 - 3:30: Hands on: Local First
3:30 - 4:30: Hands on: The big dashboard
4:30: Dinner and socializing
Check out the breakdown below for more info:
Real-time push
The core idea of Electric is you can write data to postgres and the data is instantly synced to your app. No pub/sub or websockets required! We’ll build several examples of this.
Local First
What happens when you sync data? You have a local cache you can trust! No more cache invalidation & no more waiting on the network for reads. Ergo, your app is super fast.
We’ll build a simple local-first app to explore the ideas & chat about how you can incrementally adopt these ideas into your projects.
The Big Dashboard
Dashboards with lots and lots of data can have terrible UX because every change to a filter requires a read to the backend.
We’ll build an app that syncs 100s of mbs into a local pglite database for a delightful DX & UX even with massive amounts of data.