Cover Image for Effective facilitation skills | 18, 19.09 & 15.10.24 | Sgiliau hwyluso effeithiol
Cover Image for Effective facilitation skills | 18, 19.09 & 15.10.24 | Sgiliau hwyluso effeithiol
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Effective facilitation skills | 18, 19.09 & 15.10.24 | Sgiliau hwyluso effeithiol

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Sgiliau hwyluso effeithiol

Diwrnod 1 - 18 Medi 2024
Diwrnod 2 - 19 Medi 2024
Diwrnod 3 - 15 Hydref 2024

10 am – 4 pm | Caerdydd

Cyflwynir drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


Achrededig gan Agored Cymru

Eich galluogi i ddeall rôl yr hwylusydd, gan hybu’ch sgiliau presennol a dysgu sgiliau a thechnegau hwyluso amrywiol i chi.


Ydych chi erioed wedi bod mewn cyfarfod sy’n teimlo fel pe bai’n llithro’n raddol allan o reolaeth? Neu sesiwn lle mae’ch agenda wedi’i gadael yn chwifio megis baner wen yn y gwynt tra mae dau o’ch cyfranogwyr yn dadlau?

Bydd ein cwrs Hwyluso Effeithiol achrededig yn eich helpu i ddatblygu sesiynau cyfranogol strwythuredig a phwrpasol, lle gallwch ysgogi trafodaeth a chynnal yr awdurdod angenrheidiol i gael yr atebion y mae arnoch eu hangen.

Byddwch yn dod i ddeall rôl yr hwylusydd, yn dysgu i gynllunio a rhedeg digwyddiadau a hwylusir yn effeithiol, yn dysgu ac yn ymarfer ystod o dechnegau hwyluso gan gynnwys adeiladu consensws, technegau cwestiynu, dulliau pleidleisio a graddio. Bydd y cwrs hefyd yn ystyried pendantrwydd a sut i reoli gwrthdaro a sefyllfaoedd anodd.

Bydd yn gwrs cyfranogol lle caiff cyfranogwyr y cyfle i ystyried ac ymarfer hwyluso mewn amgylchedd dysgu diogel.

Canlyniadau dysgu

Ar ôl mynychu’r cwrs yma byddwch yn gallu ….

  • Disgrifio egwyddorion o gyfranogi, hwyluso ac adeiladu consensws yn effeithiol

  • Gwerthuso sgiliau allweddol a gwerthoedd a ddefnyddir mewn hwyluso

  • Rhoi technegau adeiladu consensws ar waith

  • Gweithredu ystod o dechnegau cwestiynu

  • Dangos amrywiaeth o dechnegau pleidleisio a graddio

  • Nodi ffyrdd i fod yn fwy pendant

  • Deall ffyrdd i ddelio â gwrthdaro a sefyllfaoedd anodd

  • Gwybod ble i gael gafael ar adnoddau ychwanegol

Ar gyfer pwy mae’r cwrs

Caiff y cwrs hwn ei anelu at y rheini sydd am ddatblygu a gwella eu sgiliau hwyluso i’w galluogi i hwyluso cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau yn effeithiol gyda dinasyddion, cymunedau, colegau a phartneriaethau.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Codir ffi cofrestru o £21 y pen ar y rheini sy’n cofrestru i gwblhau’r asesiad Agored Cymru.


Effective facilitation skills

Day 1 - 18 September 2024
Day 2 - 19 September 2024
Day 3 - 15 October 2024

10 am – 4 pm | Cardiff

Delivered through the medium of English


Accredited by Agored Cymru

To enable you to understand the role of a facilitator, enhancing your existing skills and teach you a range of facilitation skills and techniques.


Have you ever been at a meeting that feels like it’s gradually slipping out of control? Or a session where your agenda has been left waving like a white flag in the wind while two of your participants argue?

Our accredited Effective Facilitation course will help you develop structured and fulfilling participative sessions, where you can stimulate discussion and retain the necessary authority to get the answers you need.

You’ll gain understanding of the role of the facilitator, learn to plan and run effective facilitated events, learn and practice a range of facilitation techniques including, consensus building, questioning techniques, voting and ranking methods. The course will also look at assertiveness and how to manage conflict and difficult situations.

It will be a participative course where participants will have the opportunity to explore and practice facilitation in a safe learning environment.

Learning outcomes

By attending this course you will be able to …

  • Describe the principles of effective participation, facilitation and consensus building

  • Evaluate key skills and values used in facilitation

  • Apply consensus building techniques

  • Apply a range of questioning techniques

  • Demonstrate a variety of voting and ranking techniques

  • Identify ways to be more assertive

  • Understand ways to deal with conflict and difficult situations

  • Know where to access additional resources

Who this course is for

This course is aimed at those who want to develop and increase their facilitation skills to enable them to effectively facilitate meetings and events with citizens, communities, colleagues and partnerships.

Additional information

A registration fee of £21 per learner will be charged for those who register to complete the Agored Cymru assessment.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.