Cover Image for Innovators Buzz & Young Professionals Cafe: Inspire and Innovate

Innovators Buzz & Young Professionals Cafe: Inspire and Innovate

Past Event
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About Event

Innovators Buzz & Young Professionals Cafe
Inspire & Innovate: Exploring the Future of Work with Technology, and AI

Date: August 25, 2023
Location: YP Cafe, Costerstraat 20

Embark on an exhilarating journey of discovery at our upcoming event! Welcome to Inspire & Innovate: Exploring the Future of Work, Technology, and specifically Artificial Intelligence. Brace yourself for an engaging day where ideas collide, innovations thrive, and possibilities abound.


Keynote Speakers
- Navigating Technological Shifts
Tim Goudzand | Innovators Buzz

- Unveiling AI's Potential
Diego Sabajo | Innovators Buzz

- Suriname’s Growth Enterprises (SURGE) is a Ministry of Economic Affairs and Technological Innovation (MEA) program designed to support Surinamese Micro Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs/Companies) with BDS and Matching Grants
Revinh Ramnandanlall | SURGE Communications & Outreach | Local Representative and Partner of Solidaridad | B4Concepts Management & Advies N.V.

Open Discussion Topics
- Human-AI Collaboration: Opportunities and Challenges
- Unleashing the benefits of symbiotic human-AI relationships across diverse sectors
- Addressing concerns about job displacement due to AI and automation

Join us for a thought-provoking event that promises to broaden horizons, spark dialogues, and create connections. Reserve your spot today and be part of this inspiring journey!