Cover Image for Support, supervision and appraisal | 06 & 13.06.24, 9.30am-12.45pm | Cefnogi, goruchwylio ac arfarnu
Cover Image for Support, supervision and appraisal | 06 & 13.06.24, 9.30am-12.45pm | Cefnogi, goruchwylio ac arfarnu
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Support, supervision and appraisal | 06 & 13.06.24, 9.30am-12.45pm | Cefnogi, goruchwylio ac arfarnu

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Cefnogi, goruchwylio ac arfarnu

6 & 13 Mehefin 2024 | 9.30 am – 12.45 pm | Ar-lein

Cyflwynir drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


Bydd y cwrs ar-lein hwn yn darparu cyfle i chi ddatblygu eich sgiliau rheoli a’ch hyder wrth reoli unigolion a thîm o staff.


Mae’r cwrs hwn yn canolbwyntio ar yr arferion gorau mewn arwain a rheoli perfformiad staff, gan gynnwys hwyluso arolygiadau ac adolygiadau blynyddol, a sut i ddelio â sgyrsiau anodd. Byddwn yn ymdrin â’r theori yn ogystal â chynghorion a thechnegau fel bod modd i chi weithredu’ch dysgu yn ôl yn y gweithle.

Bydd yr hyfforddiant yn cynnwys cyflwyniadau, gwaith mewn grwpiau bychain, trafodaethau a sesiynau ymarfer. Cefnogir yr hyfforddiant gan gyflwyniad PwerBwynt a set gyflawn o daflenni.

Deilliannau dysgu

Gweithdy 1:  

  1. Ystyried beth i’w gynnwys yn eich fframwaith rheoli perfformiad

  2. Deall sut i wella cymhelliant ac ymddiriedaeth

  3. Edrych ar ddiben goruchwyliaeth ac arfarnu

  4. Gallu cynnal sesiynau goruchwylio ac arfarnu 1:1 (wyneb yn wyneb a/neu o bell)

  5. Deall sut i osod amcanion a rhoi adborth effeithiol

 Gweithdy 2: 

  1. Gallu cynnal sesiynau goruchwylio ac arfarnu 1:1

  2. Edrych ar sut i ofyn cwestiynau mewnweledol

  3. Deall sut i fynd i’r afael â pherfformiad gwael

  4. Sut i gynllunio, strwythuro ac ymdrin â sgyrsiau anodd.

Ar gyfer pwy mae’r cwrs? 

Mae’r cwrs hwn ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd mewn rôl rheoli llinell – pa un eich bod yn brofiadol ac yn edrych am sesiwn ddiweddaru, neu eich bod yn rheoli pobl am y tro cyntaf.


Support, supervision and appraisal

6 & 13 June 2024 | 9.30 am – 12.45 pm | Online

Delivered through the medium of English


This online course will give you the opportunity to develop your management skills and confidence in managing individuals and the staff team.  


This course focuses on best practices in guiding and managing staff performance, including facilitating supervisions and annual reviews, and how to handle difficult conversations. We will cover the theory as well as tips and techniques so you can implement your learning back in the workplace. 

The training will include presentations, small group work, discussions, and practice sessions. The training will be supported by PowerPoint slides and a full set of handouts.

Learning outcomes 

Workshop 1: 

  1. Consider what to include in your performance management framework

  2. Understand how to enhance motivation and trust

  3. Explore the purpose of supervision and appraisal

  4. Be able to run 1:1 supervisions & appraisals (face to face and/or at a distance)

  5. Understand how to set measurable objectives & provide effective feedback

Workshop 2: 

  1. Be able to run 1:1 supervisions & appraisals

  2. Explore how to ask insightful questions

  3. Understand how to address poor performance

  4. How to plan, structure and handle difficult conversations

Who the course is for?

This course is for anyone who is in a line management role – whether you are experienced and looking for a refresher, or if you are new to managing people.