Cover Image for 2050: The "Good" AI
Cover Image for 2050: The "Good" AI
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2050: The "Good" AI

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From Skynet to big brother, many have imagined dystopian realities of AI and technological advancements. As AI and innovation moves at a dizzying pace, we must mobilize to address these concerns alongside create new imaginations of what possibilities the future can hold.

Data Natives and Ethics in Entrepreneurship are co-hosting the conference 2050 :The “Good” AI to explore what ethical AI and responsible innovation could look like in the next 26 years. The conference will bring together diverse perspectives of creatives, data experts, founders, investors, academics, regulators and more to explore the frontiers of both futuristic fantasies as well as the pressing dilemmas of technological advancement we face today.

The event will cover a range of topics from developing responsible products to monitoring malicious behavior, and hope to have you as a part of the conversation.

Colosseum Eventlocation
Gleimstraße 31, 10437 Berlin, Germany
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