Jewish Holy Day Service. Outside The Box. LIVE. Via Zoom. And in Person. Both.
A digital age, adult conversation and service about forgiveness, atonement, re-centering, remembrance, and celebration.
Online and in person.
No dogma, no creeds, nothing you need to pretend to believe in.
Interactive. (If you want to interact. You can also just watch.)
Service conducted almost exclusively in English.
$18, $54, or $180 donations to RELIGION-OUTSIDE-THE-BOX suggested.
Order of service (tentative):
Being present to reality
Memorial Service
Remembering loved ones
Acknowledging our collective inadequacy
Seeking forgiveness and peace
Renewal / Looking towards the future
Making sacred commitments
First Congregational United Church of Christ - Portland, OR
1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205
Stream LIVE :
Recording link will be sent to all who register.