ETHGlobal Happy Hour Taipei 台北歡樂時光 的封面图片
ETHGlobal Happy Hour Taipei 台北歡樂時光 的封面图片
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ETHGlobal Happy Hour Taipei 台北歡樂時光

Nangang District, Taipei City

Get ready to party with the ETHGlobal community during ETHTaipei week! 準備好跟ETHGlobal在ETHTaipei活動週期間一起歡樂吧!

​On Thursday, April 3rd 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, we're taking over the city for an unforgettable evening of drinks, laughs, and making new connections. 2025年4月3日(星期四)晚上18:00 至 20:30,我們將嗨翻全場,帶來一個難忘的夜晚,來一起享受飲品、歡笑和交新朋友。

​Whether you're a blockchain enthusiast, a hacker, or just someone who loves a good time, this is the place to be. 無論你是區塊鏈愛好者、駭客,還是單純喜歡享受美好時光的人,歡迎你一起來參加。

​Mark your calendars, bring your best vibes, and let's create some memories together! 記下日期,帶著好氣氛,一起來創造美好回憶吧!

Host this event with ETHGlobal — 與ETHGlobal共同主辦此活動

If you'd like to be a partner for future ETHGlobal Happy Hours, please reach out directly to and play a role on the largest builder community in the Ethereum ecosystem. 如果您希望成為未來ETHGlobal歡樂時光的合作夥伴,請直接聯繫,並在以太坊生態系統中最大的builder社群中扮演重要角色。

We'll be all over the world in 2025 with events in Taipei, Prague, Cannes, New York, New Delhi and Buenos Aires. 2025年,我們將在全球各地舉辦活動,包括台北、布拉格、坎城、紐約、新德里和布宜諾斯艾利斯。

Join us at Pragma Taipei (separate event!) — 加入我們在Pragma Taipei的活動!

We're also hosting our day-long conference series — Pragma Taipei — on the same day and location as this Happy Hour. 我們也將在同一地點舉辦一整天的系列會議「Pragma Taipei」,日期和地點與這個歡樂時光活動是相同的。

Learn all about the future of the Ethereum ecosystem from the people who are building it — make sure to grab your ticket first! 向正在建設以太坊生態系統的人們學習關於其未來的一切——請務必先搶購門票~

Access to this Happy Hour does not grant access to Pragma Taipei. 參加此次歡樂時光活動並不代表可以進入Pragma Taipei會議。

Nangang District, Taipei City
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