Cover Image for Seeding Transformational Culture - Liberating Structures Recital by WiseCrowdsDAO

Seeding Transformational Culture - Liberating Structures Recital by WiseCrowdsDAO

Hosted by Jeremy @gospelofchange & Bruno Roemers
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Through four participative workshops, we will explore seeding a transformational culture towards a more beautiful world.

Each workshop consists of a unique theme and matching Liberating Structures. Expect to actively inquire with your peers, and meet innovators in the process. (You!)

Our hosts are the graduates of the Liberating Structures Learning Journey, who prepared this event in the past two months while learning a facilitation toolbox. Your presence helps them "cross the chasm" from theory to practice.

We invite you to join us for the entire event and discover the power of including and unleashing everyone. We believe our confluence will plant some seeds towards a more beautiful world 🌱

🌀 Schedule

All times are in UTC!

⏰ 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (30')
👉 Zoom room open

⏰ 3:00 PM - 3:05 PM (5')
👉 Welcome by Jeremy and Bruno

⏰ 3:05 PM - 4:25 PM (80')
👉 Holistic Har-Money: Exploration of self, system, planetary connections
👥 Rakshith, Sinouhé, Vesta

⏰ 4:25 PM - 4:35 PM (10')
👉 Break

⏰ 4:35 PM - 6:25 PM (110')
👉 Breaking the curse of not being good enough self-talk
👥 Jana, Ana Maria, Silvia, Gustavo

⏰ 6:25 PM - 6:35 PM (10')
👉 Break

⏰ 6:35 PM - 7:55 PM (80')
👉 How to influence net positive behavior change through play and games
👥 Vlad, Carolina

⏰ 7:55 PM - 8:05 PM (10')
👉 Break

⏰ 8:05 PM - 9:25 PM (80')
👉 Exploring Temporary Autonomous Zones (e.g. Occupy Wall St.)
👥 Evan, Humberto, Simon, Thomas

⏰ 9:25 PM - 9:30 PM (5')
👉 Closing

Feel free to enter or leave during breaks, if you cannot attend the entire event.

Note that if you arrive after the start of a workshop, we may leave you in the waiting room till the next break, in order to not disrupt the ongoing workshop. Please be on time!

🌀 The Lore

Continue reading if you'd like to know how this event was co-created!

What? As a part of the Liberating Structures Learning Journey (LSLJ), a bunch of your friends have been practicing these tools for communication that include and unleash everyone. Over the last 2 months, they have together defined a shared Purpose, Principles, Participants and Structures. It all built up to this Recital which will be their final project, graduation ceremony and trial by fire all roled into one.

So What? Let’s run through what they have decided to focus these sessions on.

Below you'll find the artifacts that were prepared in each session, using Liberating Structures of course!

✨ Session 1 (31-05-2023) - Purpose

What makes this event meaningful? The Wise Crowds LSLJ Recital exists to seed transformational culture towards a more beautiful world.

✨ Session 2 (14-06-2023) - Participants and Communities

Who are the people that both make up the organizers and represent who we believe will be necessary to accomplish our Purpose?

  • Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives:

  • Community Building and Collaboration

  • Technology and Innovation

  • Financial and Economic Systems

  • Cultural and Artistic Communities

  • Social Justice and Community Support

  • Personal Growth and Development

✨ Session 3 (28-06-2023) - Principles and Topics

Some of the tensions we have identified as essential and challenging, that we intend to explore are:

  • How is it that we are fully present in real life and are globally connected digitally simultaneously?

  • How is it that we are able to accelerate urgent necessary impact and step back to let things happen in their own time simultaneously?

  • How is that we are organizing IRL events and we want to make them inclusive simultaneously?

  • How is that we are having the butterfly effect and we want to have specific goals at the same time?

  • How is it that we are traveling and being fully present simultaneously?

  • How is it that we have shared goals and also being human focused simultaneously?

  • How is it that we have shared goals and specific goals simultaneously?

  • How is it that we are in shared co-living spaces with others and find privacy and alone time simultaneously?

  • How is it that we create honesty and vulnerability at the same time?

✨ Session 4 (12-07-2023) - Structures and Core Workshops

How will we organize the session to distribute participation as much as possible? In this session we formed groups, generated the schedule (see above) and started planning each workshop.

Each of these sessions will occur as a stand-alone workshop with its own logic and structure. We believe that together they form a coherent narrative inquiry that takes a step to fulfill our purpose of seeding transformational culture towards a more beautiful world.

✨ Session 5 (09-08-2023) - Debrief and Artifacts

Translating the exploration into an artifact that spreads across time.

TBA. We posses stellar facilitation skills, but not yet the ability to predict the future 🔮.

🌀 Now What?

If you read this far, you should totally sign up and attend!

Leave your email at the top of the page to receive the Zoom link, a calendar invite and reminder(s).

P.S. invite your friends

P.P.S. invite your friends of friends

P.P.P.S. you get the idea 😉