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Product Leaders Champagne Brunch 🥂
Hosted by Olivia Oberle Ruiz & Aileen Klaile
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About Event
​UserTesting & airfocus have joined forces to host another exciting FREE in-person event for Product Owners & Leaders, this time in Berlin! We're excited to invite you for a morning of brunch, bubbly, riveting panel discussions, networking, and all over the rooftops of Berlin!
​Our panel will be diving into the topic of "Navigating the Unknown: Mitigating Risks in Product Management.” featuring:
​Malte Scholz (Co-Founder, CEO & CPO @ airfocus)
​Tamer El-Hawari (Co-founder of Productbench, ex-CPO @Project A)
​Olga Svistunova (Director of Product @ DrSmile)
​Thom Bartsch (Sr. Solutions Consultant, UserTesting)
​Seats are limited, so secure yours before it's too late!
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