Cover Image for Introduction Webinar: Facilitating Transformational Journeys
Cover Image for Introduction Webinar: Facilitating Transformational Journeys
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Introduction Webinar: Facilitating Transformational Journeys

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About Event

You are warmly invited to a special webinar with David Adams and Judith Enriquez, introducing H3Uni’s flagship 6th Facilitating Transformational Journeys (FTJ 6) online course. In a rapidly changing world, calls for meaningful transformation are growing—but how can we create lasting impact?

What You’ll Discover

  • Core Concepts
    Get an overview of Whole Systems Transformation and “Third Horizon Learning,” inspired by the life work of Dr. Anthony Hodgson, H3Uni’s founder.

  • Course Structure
    Learn about our seven online modules running from March to May 2025, newly introduced Participant Sessions in Open Dialogue, and the overall time commitment.

  • Practical Details
    Find out about course fees, available pricing tiers, and how to register.

  • Interactive Q&A
    Pose your questions directly to the course facilitators, David and Judith.

Why Attend?

Join us to discover how this course can benefit your own work toward transformation—how it can extend our mutual understanding and capacity for complex thinking and facilitating community decision-making, with practical methods you can begin applying right away.

Visit the course page for all more details and full schedule.

Meet the Hosts

David Adams
David co-founded H3Uni in 2015 with Tony Hodgson. He has a lifelong commitment to nature, systemic agency, and human collaboration. Over many years, he ran a strategy, coaching, and consulting business while operating an organic hill farm with his late wife. Concurrently, he trained with indigenous teachers in New Mexico and regularly teaches the Wheel of Wisdom. His earlier career included teaching, work in a London Confirming House, professional fundraising, and an international consulting firm. He was recently Chair of the Edinburgh Branch of Parkinson’s UK. David holds an MA from Oriel College, Oxford, and enjoys painting, dialogue, family, and exercise.

Judith Enriquez
Judith Enriquez is an academic researcher and educator in higher education. Her work traverses disciplinary boundaries with deep interest in post-humanist and ecological approaches, indigenous knowledge and decoloniality. She has worked in various educational institutions in the Philippines, Malaysia, US, Australia and the UK.

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