Cover Image for Clearer, Closer, Better with Emily Balcetis

Clearer, Closer, Better with Emily Balcetis

Hosted by Ryan
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About Event

Do successful people see the world differently? From musicians to marathon runners, the most successful among us have mastered their perception and learned to materialize abstract thoughts. Author, speaker, scientist, and associate professor of psychology at New York University Emily Balcetis has studied the stories of successful people. By interweaving their narratives with her journey through the challenges of juggling a career and new motherhood, she blends cutting-edge research on perception and goal pursuit with first-hand experience to establish four concrete strategies for success.

If you’re a fan of practical advice that’s grounded in rigorous science, Emily is sure to inspire you. Join her presentation of her book Clearer, Closer, Better with Irrational Labs' Chief Learning Officer Ryan Goble and learn to leverage the ‘perception gap’ to better achieve your own goals. See you there!