Cover Image for Embodied Emotions: Understanding the Language of the Body
Cover Image for Embodied Emotions: Understanding the Language of the Body
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Embodied Emotions: Understanding the Language of the Body

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About Event

Emotions play a vital role in our daily lives, affecting our thoughts, behaviours, and physical health. This event is designed to explore the intricate connection between emotions and the physical body. Through a combination of discussions, activities, and interactive sessions, you will gain insights into the ways emotions manifest physically and learn techniques to manage them effectively.

Join us on May 9th, Thursday 4 pm- 5 pm with Annesha Roy to engage in various exercises that will help you understand your emotional responses, recognize physical signs of stress or tension, and explore ways to build resilience. This event is ideal for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of emotional intelligence and improve their well-being.

What the event covers:

  • Embodied Emotions: Understanding how emotions manifest in the body, from muscle tension to changes in heart rate and gastrointestinal sensations.

  • Interception: Exploring the awareness of internal bodily sensations and their link to emotional processing and regulation.

  • Facial Microexpressions: Learning to identify fleeting facial expressions that reveal underlying emotions, aiding in understanding non-verbal cues.

  • Functional Negativity: Discussing the adaptive functions of negative emotions, such as fear for protection and sadness for empathy, with an activity for Emotion Mapping.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Exploring how it enhances communication and relationships, with a focus on emotional labor and a workplace charades exercise.

  • Resilience: Delving into cognitive flexibility and self-compassion to build resilience. Activities will involve cognitive reframing and self-care movements.

  • Mindfulness: Examining the neuroscience of mindfulness and how it can transform various aspects of life, including mindful eating and mindful technology use. 

  • Interactive question and answer session

    Who Should Attend

  • Anyone interested in understanding the connection between emotions and the body.

  • Anyone Interested in learning new ways to manage stress, improve communication, and build emotional awareness.

About Annesha Roy:
With over four years in the mental health field, Annesha brings a fresh and engaging approach to her workshops. She's worked with leading multinational companies, guiding employees through topics like work-life balance, stress management, mental health essentials, emotional regulation, and body image. Annesha's witty style keeps audiences entertained while encouraging deep reflection. Her interactive sessions ensure that participants not only learn but also take home practical insights they can apply immediately. Join one of her workshops for a unique experience that will leave you inspired and equipped to transform your everyday life.

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Presented by
Wellness by Plum
Hosted By