Cover Image for BGIN Layer2 Meetup @Tokyo
Cover Image for BGIN Layer2 Meetup @Tokyo
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About Event

Blockchain Governance Initiative Network Layer2 Meetup@Tokyo on September 20 2024

Venue: Shibuya Parco DG Bldg., 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0042, Japan

Colocated event: Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 (

​Blockchain Governance Initiative Network (BGIN) is a non-profit organization that creates neutral forums for in-depth discussions among all stakeholders, documenting a common language to establish shared understanding. It also fosters innovation, best practices, and standards for blockchain governance in operational, regulatory, and technical spheres.

​To serve the above purpose, BGIN:

  1. ​Creates an open, global, and neutral platform for multi-stakeholder dialogues,

  2. ​Develops a common language and understanding among stakeholders with diverse perspectives through multi-stakeholder dialogues,

  3. ​Builds academic anchors through continuous provision of trustable documents and codes based on an open source-style approach, and

  4. ​Establishes best practices and standards that serve blockchain governance.

​BGIN has held global Block conferences two or three times a year since its founding in 2020. Block Conferences represent the premier forum for multi-stakeholder discussions provided by BGIN. In addition to Block Conferences, BGIN will organize Layer2 Meetups to exchange ideas with various community hubs across the globe openly. The second Layer2 Meetup will be in Tokyo, Japan, on September 20, collocated with Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 (

​While the program is hybrid, we strongly suggest people participate in the program onsite.

​・Developers, Regulators, Business entities, Consumers, Academia, anyone interested in blockchain ecosystems!

The purpose of our workshops at Layer2 Meetup is:

  • Review and discussion of existing documents and key priority issues

  • Identification of items that should be standardized

  • Creation of a draft table of contents for new papers




12:00-13:00 Registration

13:00-13:15 Opening

13:15-14:45 Workshop Session: Regulatory Uncertainty for Lightning Businesses

14:45-15:00 Coffee Break

15:00-16:30 Workshop Session: Wallet Governance

16:30-17:45 Coffee Break

16:45-18:15 Workshop Session: Cybersecurity & Incident Response

18:15-18:30 Closing

19:00- Networking Dinner

Agenda and Related Documents

Regulatory Uncertainty for Lightning Businesses

For more details:

Wallet Governance

  • Wallet Governance and Policy Study Report (30 mins)

  • How can wallets be developed securely? (30 mins)

  • How can wallets balance with regulatory requirements? (30 mins)

For more details:

Cybersecurity & Incident Response

  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing Alignment for the Crypto Industry (20 mins)

  • Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) for crypto (10 mins)

  • Responsible Disclosure Practices (40 mins)

  • Recent incidents and responses (15 mins)

  • Next steps (5 mins)

For more details:

株式会社デジタルガレージ 渋谷パルコDGビル
Japan, 〒150-0042 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Udagawachō, 15−1 渋谷パルコDGビル 15-18階
104 Went