Cover Image for quantumpunks @devconvii
Cover Image for quantumpunks @devconvii
170 Went

quantumpunks @devconvii

Hosted by Alex Obadia & 3 others
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Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Past Event
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About Event

Quantum cryptography is cryptography that derives its properties from the laws of quantum physics.

This new frontier could allow us to build more secure digital systems, backed by quantum physics instead of computational assumptions. It could also allow us to create novel cryptographic primitives, unlocking a new set of applications previously impossible in the classical world.

We call quantumpunk all individuals who are excited about the potential of this technology, and who work to accelerate it in order to build a more secure internet, to defend digital rights, and to usher in a new wave of quantum technologies.

Devcon vii is a first stop for the nascent quantumpunk community. Join us on the evening of the 10th for an introduction to quantum crypto and some quantumpunk ideas. The evening will start at 6pm with a few lightning talks from people in both quantum and crypto worlds. This will be followed by unstructured time for people to chat around with food and drinks.


  • 6:00PM - 8:00PM Talks, 15mins+5min questions each

  • 8:00PM - 11:00PM Unstructured time with food and drinks.

All talks will be recorded.

Talks & Speakers

  • 6:00PM - 6:10PM, Introduction by Alex

    • Welcoming everyone and providing some brief context!

  • 6:20PM - 6:40PM, The Future is Quantum by Fabrizio Romano Genovese (NeverLocal/QSig/20Squares)

    • Description: An introduction to the ‘quantumpunk’ thesis, shifting the frame on the quantum conversation from ‘defense’ to ‘attack’.

    • Bio: Fabrizio is a co-founder at NeverLocal, a company focused on contextual quantum cryptography. He also deals with research at Relevant background includes a PhD in Computer Science at Oxford University.

  • 6:40PM - 7:00PM, Contextual Cryptography by Stefano Gogioso (NeverLocal/Hashberg/University of Oxford)

    • Description: A brief introduction to the way in which contextual resources can be used to build quantum-powered cryptographic primitives with security properties unachievable by classical technology.

    • Bio: Stefano is a co-founder of NeverLocal and Hashberg, and is a Lecturer of Quantum Computing at the University of Oxford. He’s co-author of the book “Quantum in Pictures”, with Bob Coecke.

  • 7:00PM - 7:20PM, Tales from the Trenches by Marc Kaplan (VeriQloud)

    • Description: An insider's perspective on the quantum cryptography industry, drawn from seven years of hands-on experience building VeriQloud. This talk will highlight key challenges and opportunities in the industry, discuss what should change, and offer insights for budding builders looking to get started building on top of quantum tech.

    • Bio: Marc Kaplan has worked in the area of quantum information for more than fifteen years. He received his PhD from University Paris-Sud and worked in Montreal with Gilles Brassard, the co-inventor of quantum cryptography. Before founding VeriQloud, his research has focused on using quantum algorithms to break classical cryptographic systems, and on the design of quantum-resistant alternatives. He is the CEO of VeriQloud, a company developing solutions for cybersecurity in a quantum world.

  • 7:20PM - 7:40PM, Quantum Crypto Tomorrow by Nicola Greco (DeepQuantum)

    • Description: Now that we got the big picture from Fabrizio, a hint of the theory behind from Stefano, and what companies building this technology look like today, I will tie it all together in a talk that will speculate what tomorrow might look like for the quantum cryptography space, and what we can do to make that future a reality!

    • Bio: Nicola is building deepquantum and a co-author of He was leading for the past +7y applied cryptography research efforts at Protocol Labs. He is also an active investor in frontier cryptography tech via deepcrypto.


Thanks to NeverLocal, Deep Quantum and Public Good Crypto for their sponsorship. We also thank the NapulETH collective for the logistics help in organizing the event.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
170 Went