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Cover Image for Greenfield
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San Francisco, California
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About Event

Succinct is kicking off a weekend of open-source crypto engineering with Greenfield, our inaugural summit centered around cutting-edge ZK infra, held the day before Frontiers by Paradigm on August 15.

We're excited to host the open-source crypto community in San Francisco, where our team has been building SP1, the most performant, developer-friendly, 100% open-source zkVM, for the past year.

Food and drinks will be provided.


1:00 PM - Check In

1:15 PM - Aayush Gupta, ZK Email
How ZK Email Enables New Wallet-Based Applications

1:35 PM - John Burnham, CEO and Co-founder of Argument
Top 5 Risks of RISC-V zkVMs (and how to fix them)

1:55 PM - Workshop: ZK Light Clients in < 1000 LOC with Ratan Kaliani, Engineer at Succinct

3:00 PM - Georgios Konstantopoulos, CTO at Paradigm
Q&A Session with Georgios and Uma

3:35 PM - Cecilia Zhang, ZK Engineer at Taiko
Design of Multi-Prover and RISCV-based ZkVM Integration

3:55 PM - Workshop: How to make a ZK rollup with SP1 + Reth with Uma Roy, CEO and Co-founder at Succinct

5:00 PM - Dinner & Happy Hour

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
Avatar for Succinct
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