Entrepreneur First Graduate Event IITKGP
Top students are told the most ambitious path for them after graduating is in consulting, investment banking, or at a tech company. If you’re very academic, you might go for a PhD.
But Entrepreneur First believes that if you’re one of the most exceptional, getting into one of these options will limit your ambition.
Join our career transforming panel discussion on why 'Exceptional people should not get jobs' with some great speakers, including:
Partner & Head of Entrepreneur First India, Rahul Samat, and
IIT KGP alumnus & Co-founder of Flippy (founded via EF), Srinidhi Moodalagiri
IIT KGP alumnus & Co-founder of Hushl (founded via EF), Aakarsh Yadav
The best graduates don’t want to spend years working on projects that don’t use their full potential, doing jobs they don’t get anything out of, chasing someone else’s targets or fundings. They want to build something big and impactful, they want to lead it, and they want to do it now. This event is for them.
Team EF is ready to bust all the myths in your head about founding a company right out of campus. Trust us, this is not one to be missed.