《热河》《南京之声》《schoolgirl byebye》……来和我们一起听孕育于南京的独立音乐。
不同于上海和苏南塞满菜肉的大馄饨,南京的馄饨是用来喝的。薄如蝉翼馄饨皮,一点点的肉馅。在开水锅中快速煮一分钟,汤汁滚入馄饨皮内,形成汁水丰盈的泡泡馄饨。南京人一苇会带着大家一起来包泡泡馄饨,然后“阿要辣油”! (专门从南京祁家面馆(大香炉)带来的辣油哦!)
4月13日 4-6pm
Accent Sisters
89 5th Ave Suite 702, New York, NY 10002
王骐蓉:南京 “北京西路”亲孩子,22岁之前没有离开过这条路。鸭血粉丝汤和南京烤鸭上瘾,这辈子估计没有戒掉的可能。未来想在南京卖面条和卖麻辣烫。欢迎感兴趣的朋友加入。
Coco Wang:土生土长南京人,从扬子江游到伊斯特河学电影的“甩子”。愿望是比纽约地铁里的老鼠跑得快。
Coco Xu: 土生土长南京人,南京话听力十级,口语初级。。最喜欢的到达机场是EWR,因为看到NJ欢迎你的牌子会觉得自己可能还在南京
Yiwei Lu:土生土长南京人(实际上是安徽和苏南人的小孩),在秦淮河边上长大,因为八字缺水。只去过三次夫子庙,爱好是去鸡鸣寺烧香。
Did you know? Peking duck actually originated in Nanjing!
Chrysanthemum greens, Indian aster, purslane, cattail, tender mustard greens... How many of Nanjing's wild vegetables have you tried?
It's said that whenever Nanjingers in New York gather, they play Guandan!
“Rehe,” “Nanjing Voice,” “schoolgirl byebye”... Come listen to the independent music born in Nanjing with us.
Music, dialect news (“Listen to Me Chat”), and even a collection of Nanjing dialect memes! Calling all Nanjingers in New York to join us for a longawaited gathering!
For this session of our dialect corner, instead of dining out, we’ll wrap up with a Nanjing Mini Wonton Workshop.
Unlike the large, meat-and-vegetable-filled wontons of Shanghai and southern Jiangsu, Nanjing’s wontons are meant for "drinking." The delicate, paper-thin wonton skins hold just a tiny bit of filling. A quick minute in boiling water allows the broth to seep into the wonton, forming a juicy, flavor-packed bubble wonton.
Our instructor Yiwei will guide everyone in making these "bubble" wontons. Don't forget to throw in a bit of the signature chili oil -- brought specially from Qi Jia Noodle House in Nanjing!
Tickets include complimentary wonton tasting and basic tea drinks in store.
Date & Time: April 13, 4–6 PM
Location: Accent Sisters, 89 5th Ave, Suite 702, New York, NY 10002
Hosts:Qi Rong Wang, Coco Wang, Coco Xu, Yiwei Lu