Cover Image for EdgeDB Day — Launching 1.0

EdgeDB Day — Launching 1.0

Hosted by Colin McDonnell & 3 others
Registration Closed
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About Event

Witness the dawn of the post-SQL era.

For the first time in two decades, a new relational database is entering the fray. Introducing EdgeDB, an open-source graph-relational database that fixes all your least favorite things about relational databases.

Join us for a livestreamed launch, followed by a series of lightning talks from the EdgeDB team.


Keynote: Why we built EdgeDB [15mins]
Yury, Co-founder of EdgeDB

🚀🚀 EdgeDB goes live! 🚀🚀

EdgeQL: the big ideas [15mins]
Elvis, Co-founder of EdgeDB

EdgeQL: a primer [15mins]
Victor, Senior Software Engineer

Live demo: building a todo app with EdgeDB [25mins]
Colin, Head of Developer Relations

The architecture of EdgeDB [15mins]
Fantix, Senior Software Engineer

Standing on the shoulders of giants [15mins]
Sully, Senior Software Engineer

A farewell to ORMs [15mins]

The future of EdgeDB [15mins]

Start learning

Just getting started with EdgeDB? Check out the following resources.