Celeste: An Exclusive New Year's Eve Affair with Burj Khalifa Views / 天璇: 私密新年夜晚 纵览哈利法塔
Join us for an exclusive gala at Dubai's flagship, Address Downtown, in a private suite overlooking the iconic Burj Khalifa and the stunning Dubai Fountains. Experience a beautiful vantage point in the city for the spectacular Burj Khalifa fireworks show — an unforgettable way to ring in the new year.
Bringing together industry leaders from Google, AIMA, renowned film houses, global music enterprises, global payment providers, and global infrastructure property developers, this event converges upon shared-community and innovation.
NEN Capital invites you to this intimate gathering aiming to bring together a community of exceptional individuals for an evening of meaningful connection to extend beyond the new year.
Spaces are limited, and this is an invitation-only event. Come be a part of this extraordinary celebration and start the new year in style.
Please note: Due to anticipated high traffic into Downtown and elevated security measures at Address Downtown from the City of Dubai, guests are advised to plan their arrivals accordingly. Further details regarding the event including check-in protocol will be shared closer to the date.
诚邀您参加一场特别的私人聚会,地点为迪拜标志性酒店——Address Downtown的一间温馨套房,俯瞰著名的哈利法塔及迷人的迪拜喷泉。在全城最佳视角之一,观赏壮丽的哈利法塔新年烟火,与良朋益友共迎新年。
汇聚来自 Google、AIMA、知名电影制作公司、全球音乐企业、全球支付提供商,以及致力于塑造国际社区的开发商的行业领袖,此次活动围绕共享社区与创新展开。
此次活动由NEN Capital主办,旨在汇聚志同道合的朋友,共度一个充满笑声、温暖与真挚交流的夜晚。
请注意:关于活动当天的更多详细信息将在日期临近时发送。由于预计市中心将出现高流量,并且 Address Downtown 的安保措施将升级,建议嘉宾提前规划到达时间。