Cover Image for Fostering EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation
Cover Image for Fostering EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation
Avatar for EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation
86 Going
Past Event
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About Event

[In-person event]

Join us to explore the potential of the Blue Economy in Latin America & the Caribbean, and the opportunities to drive innovation through EU-LAC collaboration.

Connect with policymakers, civil society and innovation leaders to unlock new opportunities and foster transformative synergies across Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean.


9:00 am: Registration

9:30 am: Keynote speech, Risha Alleyne, Caribbean Blue Economy Expert

10:00 am: Panel: How to foster EU-LAC innovation cooperation involving ecosystem players

  • Federico Restrepo – Co-founder, Impact Hub Medellin, Cali & Bogota

  • Gideon Blaauw – National Lead, Cleantech Hub Colombia (part of EIT Climate KIC)

  • Ane Setien – Tecnalia Colombia (part of the EU-LAC Digital Accelerator)

  • Risha Alleyne – Caribbean Blue Economy Expert

  • Moderator: Marco Quirino, Executive Director, ENRICH in LAC

11:00 am: Coffee break & networking

Innovalab | Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá | CEmprende
Cra. 15 #93a-10, Bogotá, Colombia
Avatar for EU-LAC Innovation Cooperation
86 Going