Titelbild für Digital Assets - A Maturing Asset Class That Professional Investors Can No Longer Ignore
Titelbild für Digital Assets - A Maturing Asset Class That Professional Investors Can No Longer Ignore
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Digital Assets - A Maturing Asset Class That Professional Investors Can No Longer Ignore

Veranstaltet von Lionsoul
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Davos, Graubünden
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Über die Veranstaltung

Digital assets are poised to redefine the global financial ecosystem and unlock new possibilities for economic growth. As this transformative sector evolves, understanding the latest trends, investment opportunities, and risks has never been more crucial.

Lionsoul Global, McKinsey & Company, and Women in Sustainable Finance invite you to join us for an exclusive Investor Briefing in Davos, where we’ll delve deep into the future of digital assets.

Our panelists:

John Cooper, Ex-CEO of Invesco Head of Distribution, Lionsoul Global, Austin Office

Max C. Evard, Director, Lionsoul Global AG Founding Partner at ARX Capital, Founder of GEFIRA GROUP

Gregory Mall, Chief Investment Officer, Lionsoul Global, Zug Office

Dr. Marta Ra, Co-founder & President, Women in Sustainable Finance (WISF)

Ivan Sidorov, McKinsey Partner, Zurich Office

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Davos, Graubünden
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