Cover Image for 【 #GleninJapan 】グレン・ワイル来日トークイベント hosted by Plurality Tokyo
Cover Image for 【 #GleninJapan 】グレン・ワイル来日トークイベント hosted by Plurality Tokyo
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【 #GleninJapan 】グレン・ワイル来日トークイベント hosted by Plurality Tokyo

Past Event
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About Event

The date is fixed, but Time is still TBD

日本語の機械翻訳での説明は下に。Japanese description below.

本イベントは基本的に英語ですが、LTトークは日本語も可能です。This event is mainly English. LT talk can use Japanese both.

In conjunction with Glen Weyl's visit to Japan, a talk session will be held at Crypto Cafe & Bar, operated by Digital Garage, featuring WIRED Japan's Chief Editor Michiaki Matushima, Next Commons Lab's Hayashi Atushi, and Shibuya Ward's Tasaka Yoshiro. This marks Glen's first talk in Japan.

Glen Weyl, a political economist and social technologist, earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University just one year after graduating undergraduate. After completing a fellowship at Harvard University, he spent three years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago, focusing on research and teaching. He later joined Microsoft Research and currently serves as Research Lead of the Plural Technology Collaboratory, having advised senior leaders on geopolitics, macroeconomics, and the future of technology.

In his 2018 book, Glen introduced innovative concepts such as "Quadratic Voting," allowing voters more flexibility in casting votes based on their opinions and desires, and "Quadratic Funding," for fair and efficient fundraising for public goods and social projects.

Recently, he has been working with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and Taiwan's digital minister Audrey Tang to advance a global social movement called "Plurality," aimed at redirecting the future of technology to support diversity, collaboration, and democracy.

To commemorate his visit, a talk session on his forthcoming open and collaborative book with Audrey Tang, Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy will be held with Michiaki Matushima of WIRED, which has been keen on the Japanese edition of "Radical Markets" since its release, along with Hayashi Atushi of Next Commons Lab, who explores new forms of funding for public goods with local governments, and Tasaka Yoshiro from Shibuya Ward Office.

This event will delve into Audrey and Glen’s philosophy of Plurality and how it can reshape the future of technology. We look forward to your participation.

Time Table

*Glen Wey can only come for 1 hour or so.  He will only join Talk Sessions and Free discussions. 

  • Open

  • 5-10min Lightning Talk × few people

  • Introduction FtC Tokyo

  • Talk Session

  • Free discussion

  • Networking

  • Close

Talk session guest

Moderator: Michiaki Matushima, Guest speakers, Glen Weyl, Hayashi Atushi, and Tasaka Yoshiro

  • Ph.D. Glen Wey: Economist, Principal Fellow at Microsoft, Founder of RadicalxChange. He was named one of the "25 People Who Will Shape the Next 25 Years" in the US edition of WIRED. He is the founder of RadicalxChange, a global social movement for the next generation of political economy. He is the co-author of "Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society”.

  • Michiaki Matushima: Chef Editor of WIRED Japan. He and WIRED Japan focused on Plurality staff rather than hyping web3. In my view, he can advocate for plurality and provide a balanced perspective on web3, rather than just hyping it.

  • Hayashi Atushi: Founder of Next Commons Lab. Pioneered the Yamakoshi Village DAO, which offers "digital villager rights" through NFT sales featuring Nishikigoi carp. His innovative Local Coop initiative, implemented in Owase City (Mie Prefecture) and Nara City (Nara Prefecture), outsources and decentralizes public services through performance-linked methods.

  • Tasaka Yoshiro: Director, Shibuya Startup Support. Joined Shibuya Ward in January 2020 with extensive experience in the San Francisco Bay Area, including 8.5 years at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco. Tasaka has been instrumental in founding various non-profit organizations. Focused on developing the startup ecosystem and furthering the internationalization of Shibuya Ward. Tasaka plays a key role in facilitating connections between Shibuya Ward and emerging Web3 and Govtech startups.


Plurality Tokyo

グレン・ワイル氏の来日を記念し、デジタルガレージが運営するCrypto Cafe & Barでトークセッションが開催されます。ゲストには、WIRED Japanのチーフエディターである松島倫明氏、Next Commons Labの林篤史氏、そして渋谷区の田坂克郎氏が参加します。このイベントは、ウェイル氏の日本での初トークとなります。

ワイル氏は、プリンストン大学で経済学の博士号を取得し、ハーバード大学のフェローシップを経て、シカゴ大学の助教授として研究と教育に従事しました。その後、マイクロソフトリサーチに参加し、現在はPlural Technology Collaboratoryの研究リードとして活動しています。彼は2018年の著書で、「Quadratic Voting」と「Quadratic Funding」などの革新的な概念を紹介しました。


今回のトークセッションでは、ワイル氏とタン氏の共著による今後のプロジェクト「Plurality: The Future of Collaborative Technology and Democracy」について、松島氏、林氏、田坂氏と共に議論が行われます。イベントでは、彼らの多元主義の哲学と、それが技術の未来をどのように形作るかについて深掘りします。


*グレン・ウェイは1時間程度しか来られない。 トークセッションとフリーディスカッションのみの参加となります。

  • 開会

  • 5-10分のライトニングトーク(数名)

  • FtC Tokyoの紹介

  • トークセッション

  • フリーディスカッション

  • ネットワーキング

  • 閉会


モデレーター 松島倫明、ゲストスピーカー:グレン・ワイル、林篤史、田坂克郎

  • Ph.D. Glen Weyl: 経済学者、マイクロソフト社プリンシパル・フェロー、RadicalxChange創設者。「WIRED」US版で「次の25年を形作る25人」に選出。次世代の政治経済を目指す世界的な社会運動「RadicalxChange」の創設者。共著に『Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society』がある。

  • 松島倫明: 『WIRED』日本版編集長。WIRED Japanとして、Web 3を煽るのではなく、「多元的」なトピックに焦点を当て、バランスの取れた視点を提供する。

  • 林篤史: Next Commons Lab 創設者 paramita 共同代表。Nishikigoi NFT販売を通じて「デジタル村民権」を提供する山古志村DAOのパイオニア。尾鷲市(三重県)、奈良市(奈良県)で実施しているLocal Coopの取り組みでは、成果連動型の手法で公共サービスのアウトソーシングと分散化を実現している。

  • 田坂 克郎:渋谷区役所 グローバル拠点都市推進室 室長。在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館での8年半の勤務を含め、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアでの豊富な経験を活かし、2020年1月より渋谷区に参画。様々な非営利団体の設立に尽力。スタートアップエコシステムの開発と渋谷区の国際化の推進に注力。渋谷区とWeb3やGovtechの新興スタートアップとのつながりを促進する重要な役割を果たす。


Plurality Tokyo

Crypto Cafe & Bar
Japan, 〒150-0022 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Ebisuminami, 3-chōme−5−7, Digital Gate Bldg, 2F
Avatar for Plurality Tokyo
Presented by
Plurality Tokyo
106 Went