Knox Draw Weekly Open Sessions
Our open figure drawing sessions provide a dedicated space for artists of all levels to practice and refine their skills. Every Wednesday from 6-8 PM, we host undraped model sessions that offer a range of poses, from quick gestures to up to 20 minute poses. Our goal is to maintain an approachable atmosphere for new artists practicing, as well as a high quality set.
Who can attend?
Undraped figure drawing sessions are open to adult artists of all skill levels and backgrounds. Whether you're a professional artist, a hobbyist, a student, or someone who's never drawn before but always wanted to try, you're welcome in our sessions.
We believe in creating an inclusive environment where beginners can learn from more experienced artists, and where everyone can focus on their individual artistic growth. Our sessions attract a diverse group of participants, including painters, sculptors, illustrators, and enthusiasts from various artistic disciplines. No prior experience is necessary.
Tickets not required ahead of time