Cover Image for Art Build for the Youth | Climate Strike
Cover Image for Art Build for the Youth | Climate Strike
9 Went

Art Build for the Youth | Climate Strike

Hosted by Paloma & 3 others
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

The Art-Build Day is a collaborative event designed to bring together youth, students, global activist, indigenous and environmental organizations in preparation for the Global Climate Strike taking place in New York City.

The Global Climate Strike is an annual strike/march that is convened by the global movement of Fridays For Future, calling for the national and local chapters to have climate strikes all over the world. This year, the FFF New York City collective is calling for partners and allies to join their strike on September 20th. The theme of the strike is “tearing down the pillars of the fossil fuel industry.”

The pillars are Polluters-Stop fossil fuel development on the gulf coast. Funders- (SOH) banks and insurance companies must stop funding the climate crisis. Leaders- Gov Hochul must sign the climate change superfund act. Our focus for support on messaging can be finance, ending unsustainable finance to extractivist industries.

127 Walker St
New York, NY 10013, USA
Subway info: 4/5/6/N/Q/R/W/J/Z to Canal Street
9 Went