Scroll Delegate Day, Denver
Join us for a Delegate Day in Denver on Fri Feb 28. We will be having some workshops throughout the day for those who want to partake. You're also welcome to come by, grab a coffee/tea, and just hang out a bit.
The tentative schedule is:
11a: space is available for us
11:30a-12:15p: first activity
12:15p-1p: some context setting for the day
1p-2p: enjoy lunch at one of the food trucks onsite
2p-3:30p: looking back, looking forward - we'll reflect on previous activities, the current state of things, and where we're headed
3:30p-4p: break
4p-530p: we'll discuss topics like our strategy to increase votable supply, what working groups we should start forming and delegate compensation
530p-630p: happy hour before heading over to dinner
Dinner will be a few blocks away and we'll walk over together around 630p:
See you in Denver!