Cover Image for Mount Bierstadt Climb
Cover Image for Mount Bierstadt Climb
Hosted By
38 Going
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About Event

When in Colorado you can't pass up the blissful feeling of summiting a 14k (>4000m). We will do one climb before ethDenver and one after.

Final Elevation: 14064 ft. (4287m)
Elevation gain: 3431 ft. (1026m)
Trail Distance 10.38 mi. (16.7km)
Round trip time: 8.5 hours

Make sure to be active in TG so we know your double confirmed and to help you find a car pool.

Mountaineering DAO Telegram Group

We will be taking Mt. Bierstadt's West Slopes route which never gets too steep and has a lot of ridge walking where wind blows away the snow.

The trailhead is only 1.5 hours drive from Denver and we hope to avoid the morning traffic.

Difficulty is a Class 2 ( T2 for Europeans ) no scrambles or anything like that.

Depending on snowpack snowshoes may be advisable for a little less Post-Holing. Of coarse it is winter and Colorado is windy so make sure to be extra warm, windproof, snow proof.

For anyone that does not have mountaineering experience we'll ask you to buddy up with someone that does. Never any shame in turning back we are here for the nature.

We will do one clime right before ethDenver right after.
Link to Climb after ethDenver ->

Related mountain resources:


Brought to you by Forest AI. Github ⭐️s are highly Appreciated.

Mount Bierstadt
Mt Bierstadt, Colorado 80452, USA
Coordinate in tg chat for carpooling meetup earlier in Denver
Hosted By
38 Going