Cover Image for Book club: Thinking with Type
Cover Image for Book club: Thinking with Type
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San Francisco UXD
Democratizing design. We host social and education events and encourage design thinking for all.
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📚 Thinking With Type

Thinking With Type, by Ellen Lupton, is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to typography. The book covers the history, principles, and applications of typefaces. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the visual language of text.

📝 What to expect

First hour
We'll kick things off with an icebreaker and then have a discussion on the first half of the book. Try to read as much as you can.

Second hour
We'll have time for people to chat, get food or drinks, and connect on LinkedIn.

❓Discussion questions

Feeling stuck or don't know what to talk about? We'll have discussion guides to hand out at the event.

🧑‍🎨 Who should come

If the book sounds interesting to you, then come and discuss it! No need to be a designer.

About San Francisco UXD

​We're a not-for-profit focused on building an inclusive design community and encouraging design thinking for all. We host social and education events several times a month.

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Saluhall SF
945 Market St Suite 102, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA
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Presented by
San Francisco UXD
Democratizing design. We host social and education events and encourage design thinking for all.
59 Going