Cover Image for Digital Nomad One-Day Colleague
Cover Image for Digital Nomad One-Day Colleague
Avatar for Digitalnomadstaiwan
We bridge Taiwan with Global Digital Nomad Community.
35 Going
Past Event
Please click on the button below to join the waitlist. You will be notified if additional spots become available.
About Event

​One-day colleague. Let’s cowork!

​DM us to let us know what time you are likely to arrive :D And we might be having a random dinner afterward, stay tuned ~

​一日同事!來一起工作吧!可以私訊我們大概幾點到:)結束後可能會一起吃晚餐,隨時關注 instagram 限動!

​What to Expect:
​✨ Working people 😇
​✨ Delicious food from Cafe
​✨ jeong.cho from Korea
​- CEO of hoppers_korea
​- digitalnomadskorea : Community for nomads in Korea
​- : Coworking/Coliving/Workation for nomads

​Event Info / 活動資訊
​📅 11/27 (Wed)
​🕖 13:00 - 18:00
​📍 A cafe in Taipei
​🗣️ X (just kidding)
​💰 Minimum Order of the Cafe

​Join & leave at anytime :)

Cozy Cowork Cafe/共享工作活動空間/台北咖啡廳/甜點/早午餐/美食/下午茶
Avatar for Digitalnomadstaiwan
We bridge Taiwan with Global Digital Nomad Community.
35 Going