Cover Image for ACCEL Year 2 Showcase
Cover Image for ACCEL Year 2 Showcase
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Greentown Labs
119 Going
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Join us at Greentown Houston on Sept. 5 for an opportunity to celebrate ACCEL, an accelerator program for BIPOC-led startups from Greentown Labs and Browning the Green Space (BGS)

Greentown and BGS recognize that the climatetech industry must change the status quo to put founders of color in the position to lead technology-driven companies that address climate change, support the development of diverse workforces, and fiercely advocate for the deployment of clean technologies in underserved communities.

Join the second ACCEL cohort for a showcase featuring their technologies, what they’ve accomplished in the first six months of the program, and where they’re headed next. At this event, you’ll also have the opportunity to network with industry leaders who are passionate about and building an inclusive and sustainable future.



​ACCEL is a year-long program that combines acceleration with a curated curriculum, incubation through a Greentown membership, and extensive mentorship from Greentown and BGS’s networks of industry experts. The program is designed to bolster BIPOC-led startups as they develop critical climatetech solutions by offering access to funding, networking connections, resources, and opportunities that structural inequities put out of reach. Learn more about ACCEL here.

About Browning the Green Space

​Browning the Green Space is a coalition of leaders and organizations, primarily in the New England region, that share the passion to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) in clean energy. Their goal is to increase the participation and leadership of Black and Brown people and of women (collectively, “underrepresented groups”) in the clean energy space and beyond (e.g., wasted food, water, agtech) in the Northeast. Learn more about Browning the Green Space here.

Questions? Please reach out to Greentown Labs Events Manager, Benita Mahanta (

Please note: By registering for this event, you consent to your name, title, and company/organization being shared with other event attendees. You consent to your image or likeness being used in content associated with the event. You release Greentown Labs and all partners from any and all liability stemming from any event-related incident.

Greentown Labs
4200 San Jacinto St, Houston, TX 77004, USA
Please enter Greentown Labs parking lot on the side of San Jacinto Street as this is the only car entrance for the parking lot. This is a one-way street so please use caution when proceeding. We have plenty parking spots on a first come first serve basis.
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Presented by
Greentown Labs
119 Going