Cover Image for Meaningful Morning - Context, Contrast, & Code-switching Series

Meaningful Morning - Context, Contrast, & Code-switching Series

Hosted by Creativo
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About Event

In this monthly community meeting of the series, we will explore the context, contrast, and code-switching involved in our individual and collective social impact efforts. We will meet online and discuss what questions have arisen from the themes of the month and this will be a compliment to local in-person and online workshops and discussions throughout the year. This is a monthly space to discuss what we are learning, share experiences, and build understanding together around the topic of context.

What is your individual context that you bring to your everyday actions? Where do you thrive? How do we create common collective context? How can contrasts be a source of strength? How can we navigate different contexts? What is collective thriving? These questions, will spark our monthly exploration and act as foundation for local events throughout the year in a variety of hybrid contexts. We will explore how the contexts, contrasts and code-switching impact us.

Meaningful Mornings is a collaboration between Creativo DesignEBBFEBBF NLSoul.comGlobal Shapers Amsterdam Hub & Humanity in Action Nederland.