Women's Silent Reading Retreat | Whidbey Island
This event is organized by Alida on behalf of Club Cascadia | IG @clubcascadia a women's community group in Seattle
When you register for the Silent Reading Retreat, you're committing to:
Lodging estimated price of $225/person inclusive of taxes/fees total for 3 nights based on a 10 person occupany; meals/transportation are a separate cost
You are available for 3 nights/4 days: Thursday, March 20th through Sunday, March 23rd, 2025, to stay at a house within 2ish hours drive of Seattle, WA — you may arrive the evening of March 20th
You are comfortable sharing a house with women you may have not met before March 20th
You have capacity to collaborate and will respond timely in the private group chat on behalf of planning for meals, transportation, etc in advance of the weekend
You are stoked to spend A LOT of hours reading
You will share in costs that include: rental house (est. listed above), meals, gas/transportation to/from
You will have Venmo (or similar) and Splitwise before the event date
What to expect at the Silent Reading Retreat:
A long weekend with shared social meals + evenings that may include movies and/or board games & puzzles
At least 6+ hours on both Fri & Sat designated to silent reading with a lunch break in between, these will be house"quiet hours"; you're welcome to work on an individual creative project as well
Opportunities to connect individually and as a group with a collective of women
An activity/intention exercise celebrating the Spring Equinox
Agreement in advance by guests of any topics we would prefer to not discuss/pause for the wknd to support vacation mindset
As a host, I ask guests (and will step in as needed):
Review in advance Club Cascadia Mission, Values, Community Standards
Please give everyone an opportunity to share, practice active listening and do not interrupt during discussions that may occur over the weekend
If a participant shares a hard personal experience during the weekend – our role is to listen and hold space, we are not responsible to fix or advise; I may ask we pause for a moment to hold space then resume our discussion
Stay on topic and supportive of discussions, and do not introduce events & experiences that do not intentionally pivot the conversation forward
Host Communication
Rental Reservation to be confirmed after Google Form is completed by at least 8 registered guests
WhatsApp Group Chat will be shared with guests once Rental is confirmed — Luma Blast will go out with link
If you are waitlisted, strongly encourage you keep the dates available and Alida + registered guest who needs to cancel will contact you if there is a cancellation
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel, you understand and agree to that you are financially responsible for your portion of the rental house. If you would like a refund, you understand and agree to that you are responsible for contacting/working with the waitlisters and/or members of CC WhatsApp Group Chats to take your spot on the retreat and confirm their attendance. (Included in Google Form as well)
Release Agreements
Photo/Video Release: Registering and/or Waitlisting for this Club Cascadia event, you consent to your photo/video being taken and shared on public social platforms and used for marketing purposes. If you would prefer not to have your picture or video taken, please let Alida know onsite.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Registering and/or Waitlisting you understand and agree that you are attending the Silent Reading Retreat as a personal experience -- like a weekend with friends -- and do not hold Alida Hammond or Club Cascadia affliates liable for damages, injuries you may incur from March 20-23, 2025 while en route, when it attendance, or departing the retreat. (Included in Google Form as well)