Local & open-source AI developer meetup (Paris)
Ollama and Friends are in Paris!
Ollama and Friends will be hosting a local & open-source AI developer meetup on Thursday, March 21st at 6pm at Station F in Paris.
Come gather with developers for a night of fun! Free catered food and drinks will be provided. All the core Ollama maintainers will be at the event.
Event schedule:
6pm: Doors open & food served
7pm: Lightning demos
Mistral AI (Co-founder, Timothée)
Google Deepmind (Group PM lead, Paige Bailey)
Ollama (Patrick Devine)
Solomon Hykes (Creator of Docker, Co-founder of Dagger)
Docker (Eli from AtomicJar, Inc - the creators of Testcontainers)
LlamaIndex (Pierre, local RAG)
Koyeb (Yann)
HelixML (Luke)
Neo4j (William Tai)
8-10pm: Free time
Accelerate with Ollama! Each approved guest will receive a physical Ollama keychain at the event. Update: We have run out of 350 keychains!
A huge thank you to the Koyeb team for helping to host the event.
We are excited to meet everyone! Thank you