Cover Image for DevRelX Community Session #2

DevRelX Community Session #2

Hosted by DevRelX Community
Registration Closed
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About Event

Join our next interactive community-led session on "Content for Developers: What and How"  which takes place on April 28.

*Exclusive to DevRelX Community members only.


Important: RSVPs are limited to 10 members. Please inform if you can not join so we can offer a seat to another member. It's an interactive session that relies on your participation. 
It's not a webinar, so be ready to join with your AV and chat away. 👋😉 


The session will be facilitated by our community member Karl Hughes, CEO & Founder at, who will present us with tips and lead a group discussion on:

1. What should DevRel teams actually write about? What methods DevRels use to curate content that resonates?

2. How to find and pick your writers? Are external writers worth the trouble or do we just need to hire in-house?

3. How can we scale up our content production? What processes and tools are necessary as DevRels approach 10 or 20 new content pieces per month?


To enable learning and experience sharing among our community members, we bring you DevRelX Community Sessions, an hour long online roundtable discussions.

Each session will be facilitated by a prominent community member and will invite a group of up to 10 professionals to discuss challenges and share insights on various topics.