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About Event

We are Devis — we have Divya Shakti!

What is Divya Shakti? What is our Potential?

Guided by Vivekji, our weekly / monthly satsangas are an opportunity to evoke Divya Shakti in our inner and outer environment. Laughing and reflecting together, we’ve studied the Vedanta underlying the Jagadeesha Arati, popular movies, Devi Chalisa, Why do we...?! and most recently, Getting Out of the Box (from the Mananam Series).

Join us this year for discourse-discussion-dialogue guided by Shri Vivek and Shrimati Shashikala, focussing on the Rishikas.

Every Second Sunday of the month from 9.00p ET - 10:00p ET.

Join our Weekly classes with Shashiji who will guide us through Self Unfoldment starting Jan 19 2024.
Fridays - 12.00p ET - 01.00p ET

I've attended our satsanga before. Do I need to register?

Yes! There's a new Zoom code and password for our weekly/monthly satsangas and registration is required to access. Names in full and Cameras on. (if you have already registered for Devi sanga this year, you do NOT have to register for weekly class for this year)

How do I access the Zoom code?

A reminder email is sent one hour before the Weekly/Monthly satsanga. The direct Zoom link to join is at the bottom of the reminder email (where it says "Click to Join"). It will also be available on this page before the satsanga begins.