Cover Image for Get that bread: Optimizing your designs for revenue
Cover Image for Get that bread: Optimizing your designs for revenue
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Design Buddies

Get that bread: Optimizing your designs for revenue

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About Event

Get expert answers to your design and business questions from Joe Formica, founder of Bitesize UX moderated by Grace Ling, Founder of Design Buddies!

Submit questions you'd like to get answered live.

This event will be livestreamed on Design Buddies' LinkedIn Live and YouTube.

🐰 About Design Buddies

​​​​​​​​​​​Design Buddies is a community where you level up your design career. Land jobs, improve your design skills, and make friends. We have resources, events, design challenges, job boards, fun perks, and more. 

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About Bitesize UX

​Learn UX by doing it! We host live online workshops and courses for new designers to level up their skills, portfolios, and careers. Join a workshop, and create awesome projects with expert instructors and friendly designers.

​Joe formed Bitesize UX to provide a way for students to get practical design experience and build great projects without the barriers of traditional courses.

​In addition to teaching, Joe has been a self-employed Senior Product Designer for the past eight years. He has worked with dozens of clients, ranging from Fortune 500 companies, to new startups, where he has played an integral role in their growth and success.

​Joe believes that there is no substitute for learning by doing - all Bitesize courses are hands-on, project based, and beginner friendly. If you take a class with Joe, you’re guaranteed to walk out with a tangible project that you're proud to show off to the world.

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Presented by
Design Buddies