Cover Image for Practicing Discernment in Design for Positive Change
Cover Image for Practicing Discernment in Design for Positive Change
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Practicing Discernment in Design for Positive Change

Registration Closed
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About Event

Find the recording of this event on the Design Changemakers platform.

Discernment is a practice that allows us to view and evaluate our design work through a spectrum of oppression and liberation.

If you're a designer vying to design for more positive outcomes — such as equity, inclusion and liberation — but getting lost in how to actually do it, discernment will be a powerful first step for you.

It'll help you better detect bias, harm and other patterns of oppression in your work — as well as identify what's leading to positive outcomes (so you can keep doing it!).

What to Expect

In this short workshop, you will:

  1. Understand the importance of discernment in design and what it looks like in practice

  2. Practice discernment in design across the spectrum of oppression and liberation through collective exercises

  3. Discover how to deepen your discernment practice with the support of Design Changemakers


Registration is free, with an optional contribution of your choice if you'd like to support the labor & knowledge put into the event.

Accessibility & Inclusion Considerations

  • ​You can choose to lean in and actively participate or step back and follow along quietly.

  • ​You can join via desktop or mobile — we'll adapt our facilitation style and tools based on the needs of those present.

  • ​We will provide closed captions, live transcripts and visual descriptions to the best of our ability.

​Please send us any other accommodation requests upon signing up and we'll do our best to honor them!

Image Description for Event Cover Image
Design Changemakers logo. Introductory workshop. Practicing discernment in design for positive change. Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

A femme-presenting person looking contemplatively at a spectrum with the labels "more oppressive" and "more liberatory" on each end. A pin is placed closer to the "more oppressive" label. A compass pointing at "D" (Discernment) is in a thought bubble over the person's shoulder.

​What is Design Changemakers?

​We are an educational platform that enables changemakers to harness their power to design for positive change through courses, tools and events.

​​​Who is your host?

​​I am Sandra Camacho (She/Her), aka Sandra By Design, an independent inclusive & equitable design strategist, educator and advisor based in Paris, France. I am the founder of Design Changemakers and the Inclusive Design Jam and am on a mission to use design as a vehicle for social change.

​​​💌 Sign up for email updates upon registering to receive the Design Changemakers Digest, full of tips, resources and insights on designing for positive change. Unsubscribe at any time!

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