Career Prep Weekend
Dedicated to building your career readiness over two action-packed days!
Kickoff & Introductions (1-1:30pm): overview of the event agenda & introducing our lovely guests!
Recruiting Insights (1:30-2:15): learn how design recruiting works, covering the timeline, how to approach your resume & portfolio, and more!
Introductions Panel (2:15-3pm): our 12 industry & academic guests will introduce themselves, their backgrounds, and their expertise.
Small Group Discussions (3-4pm): students & pairs of guests will break up into small groups; this is your chance to ask any & every question you have! We'll have 2 rounds of discussions so you'll get to chat with 4 different guests.
Framing Your Work for Industry (4-4:30pm): we'll talk about how to structure & tell a compelling story about your projects when it comes to career.
Project Work Session (4:30-6pm): low-stakes small group environment to get feedback on any projects (can be in-progress too!) or questions with a guest of your choice. Please fill out a section in this FigJam (5 min).
Dinner & Networking (6-7pm): a delicious pasta dinner & a chance to mingle if you'd like.
Storytelling for Career (11-11:45am): learn how to tell your own story as a designer; whether via personal branding, portfolios, or interviews.
Portfolio Reviews (11:45-1pm): breaking into small groups, you'll get a chance for direct feedback on your portfolio or learn from other people's portfolios (no portfolio required to attend).
Lunch & Networking (1-2pm)
Interview Workshop (2-3:30): we'll give an overview of the design recruiting process, then a volunteer-based mock interview with live feedback. This is a great chance to practice or learn from others. Guests will then float around for you to practice an interview question in a small group, low-stakes environment.
Closing Ceremony (3:30-4pm): time to take a photo together & celebrate!