Cover Image for DOA Denver-Boulder: Untangling your docs: Using OOUX to map, model, and operationalize design docs
Cover Image for DOA Denver-Boulder: Untangling your docs: Using OOUX to map, model, and operationalize design docs
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DOA Denver-Boulder: Untangling your docs: Using OOUX to map, model, and operationalize design docs

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Karen Hewell will be presenting an overview of OOUX and how it can apply to DesignOps work - the session will include a breakout session to conduct some OOUX exercises related to DesignOps objects. The intent is to use OOUX to advance DesignOps thinking and execution. There will be Pizza and Beverages - some socializing and networking from 6-6:30, then we will launch into the presentation.

Presenter Bio: Karen Hewell is a content designer, information architect, and certified OOUX strategist and consultant. With over a decade of experience working brand-side and as an agency strategist, she specializes in making sense of big, messy web domains using object-oriented design and documentation techniques. She counts clients like Google, Pearson, and the Department of Labor among those she has collaborated with.

We are hosting this as a hybrid event so folks who can't make it in person can attend. However, there will be workshop components to the event, so we encourage folks to participate in person if possible. Optional Zoom details will be sent via email once you register for the event.

Viget Boulder
1002 Walnut St, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
3rd Floor
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