Cover Image for Democratizing Intelligence: The Future of AI, Compute, and Infrastructure
Cover Image for Democratizing Intelligence: The Future of AI, Compute, and Infrastructure
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Deep Tech Week
Private Event

Democratizing Intelligence: The Future of AI, Compute, and Infrastructure

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San Francisco, California
Past Event
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About Event

Developers, researchers and founders are racing to make AI more accessible to build, modify, and use.

Hear from leading builders on the AI infrastructure landscape, GPU development, data centers, decentralized compute, compute as currency, and the economic landscape shaping it all.

Submit questions ahead of time for the speakers and interactive discussion panels

Tickets required, names will be checked at the door.



1pm - Doors open. 

Mingle with engineers, founders, investors. 

Drop-in discussion topic zones for hot debates. 

Demos from startups & researchers. 

Snacks include Blueprint Nutty Pudding & Veggie Dish. 

2pm - Keynote & Speakers

  • George Hotz - Founder @ tinycorp

  • Gill Verdon - CEO @ Extropic, @BasedBeffJezos

  • A Note On Democratizing Intelligence 

Discussions, Panels, and Q&A office hours with panelists & speakers 

3pm - Breakout A

  • Decentralized Compute 

    • Vincent Weisser (Founder @ Prime Intellect)

    • Casey Caruso (Founder @ Topology)

    • Sam Hogan (CEO @ Kuzco)

  • Debate on AI Tyranny - Jamie Joyce (Founder @ The Society Library)

  • Compute Hardware Economics

    • Carmen Li (Founder @ Silicon Data)

    • Simeon Bochev (CEO @ Stealth Compute Co)

    • Satyam Srivastava (Chief AI SW @ d-Matrix)

    • Wachi Bandara (AI @ DRW)

4pm - Breakout B

  • AI Policy, Governance, and America2030 - Chris Lengerich (Founder @ Context Fund)

  • Building with Open-Source AI

  • Mike Knoop (Cofounder @ ARC Prize, Zapier),

  • Kartin Wong (CEO @ Ora)

  • Casey Caruso (Founder @ Topology)

  • Research and Design for AI Products

  • Div Garg (CEO @ MultiOn)

  • Dave Deriso (CEO @ Bluue)

4pm - Conclusion & healthy food

5-5:45pm - Mingle

Free to attend! Thanks to our sponsor

Engage with live demo booths from top startups like MultiOn, PrimeIntellect, Evergreen Compute, Puma & more

A Succinct Schedule:

  • 1pm - Doors open. Mingle with 300+ AI engineers, founders, investors. Drop-in discussion topic zones for hot debates. Demos from startups, researchers and open source projects. Snacks include Blueprint Nutty Pudding & Veggie Dish.

  • 2pm - Keynote & Speakers

  • 3:30-4:55pm - Breakout Sessions: Focused Panels and Interactive Discussions. Discuss and meet people with shared interests.

  • 5pm - Conclusion & healthy food

  • 5-5:45pm - Mingle, discussion zones

About the venue:

Thanks to Open-Source Campus Edge Intelligence for hosting. Edge is a research and incubation lab, co-founded by a Transformer co-author, focused on advancing edge intelligence and fostering an open, user-centric AI future. At the heart of Edge's initiatives is the Open Source Campus, SF's top open source community and co-working space, where you can accelerate your project, connect with visionary architects, and engage with a vibrant innovation hub.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
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Presented by
Deep Tech Week