SDSS Community DEI Dialogue Townhall

Hosted by Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Join SDSS DEI Director Lupe Carrillo and Associate Dean for DEI/ESS Professor Paula Welander, as well as SDSS Dean Arun Majumdar, for our annual Stanford Doerr Community DEI Dialogue townhall to learn more about the advances in the DEI Action Plan, as well as to celebrate our accomplishments over the course of this academic year! This will serve as an opportunity to acknowledge our progress, but also the work that still needs to be done to move toward a more inclusive future within our school. The Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability community dialogue session will take place in person in the Hartley Conference Room and via Zoom on Tuesday, May 21st at 3:00pm-4:00pm. All community members are welcome to join! This will be a hybrid event.

​As we reflect on the past year and continue to grow as the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, we want to invite all members of SDSS community to join us in this discussion and share your perspective on inclusion successes, challenges, and what we wish for the future ahead.

​We will start off with a presentation, before moving into breakout groups and engaging in collective dialogue. We hope you can participate in this conversation! ​All those who RSVP for this event will receive the Zoom information an hour before the event begins.

We also hope you will join us for our annual community party happening immediately afterwards on the Mitchell Patio from 4:30pm-6:30pm!