Cover Image for Design Changemaking Accelerator Info Session
Cover Image for Design Changemaking Accelerator Info Session
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Design Changemaking Accelerator Info Session

Past Event
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About Event

​You're invite to the info session for the Design Changemaking Accelerator hosted by Design Changemakers and taught by Sandra Camacho (She/Her).

This is a 5-week virtual program to get you designing for equity, inclusion and justice by equipping you with concrete tools, methods and mindset development.

Join this info session to learn more about the program, see the curriculum and an early look at the materials and ask your questions.

What is Design Changemakers?

We are an educational platform that enables changemakers to harness their power to design for positive change through courses, tools and events.

​​Who is your host?

​I am Sandra Camacho (She/Her), aka Sandra By Design, an independent inclusive & equitable design strategist, educator and advisor based in Paris, France. I am the founder of Design Changemakers and the Inclusive Design Jam and am on a mission to use design as a vehicle for social change.

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