Cover Image for Wheel Throwing Taster - Mini Series

Wheel Throwing Taster - Mini Series

Hosted by Karla Marie
No Upcoming Sessions
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About Event

Are you super eager to start on your pottery journey but simply can't wait till next term?

Or you know you want to try your hands at wheel throwing but not ready to commit to a full term and instead want to give it a go?

Or you have done a wheel course before and just want a little refresher?

This 4-part mini-series is more than just a one nighter where you have a play and then the pottery faeries finish your piece for you.... ooo no... for these classes you get to put your hands to work for (almost) All of the steps 😉

On day one we learn the basics of prepping our clay and finding our way around a pottery wheel, watch an exciting demo before getting right to work creating your very first ceramic works (normally 2 on the first night)

Week 2 we come back to learn precision trimming techniques to give our pieces a beautiful foot ring.

Week 3 will be glazing up some magic to give our pieces the special colour, sparkle, satin or earthy vibes you've been dreaming of.

And last but not least week 4, the final night will be an exciting one hour show and tell where we get to share and talk about our pieces, what we've learned and find out about the exciting opportunities coming up next.

Strictly limited numbers to allow generous hands on support.

Whilst our cancellation policy is very fair and understanding we do ask that you only book if you know that you can attend every class in the series.

Cancellation policy: Due to the classes starting next week, no refunds will be possible after purchase of the class but if you need to pull out for any reason please give us as much notice as possible so that we can try to find someone to fill your spot.