Cover Image for Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Taipei, Taiwan
Cover Image for Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Taipei, Taiwan
54 Went

Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Taipei, Taiwan

Hosted by Jeremy Firster (Cardano Foundation) & Intersect
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Now that the interim Constitution is live and the interim Constitutional Committee in place, the next vital stage of the Cardano governance journey gets underway. We are delighted to be playing our part and look forward to hosting a constitutional consultation workshop in Taipei, Taiwan on September 07th, 2024, designed to use the draft Constitution as the starting point for a discussion on drafting the final Constitution and we need your valuable input.

Draft of Interim Constitution:

Questions List:

Participant Packet:

Mandarin Version - Constitution: Cardano 區塊鏈生態系統憲法

Mandarin Version of Questions 憲法工作坊主題與問題:

Mandarin Version of Participant Packet 憲法工作坊 - 參與者資訊:

Workshop Process
This is a facilitated workshop with an online facilitator and in-person host. Five topics related to blockchain governance will be discussed to provide critical feedback to the Cardano Constitution.

There are 50 global Constitutional workshops, where the Taipei delegates shall address specific questions and provide actionable recommendations to update the Constitution.

Taipei Constitutional Delegate Election:
Attend Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires, Argentina
--- Minimum in-person voters required: 10 ---
The attendees of the Taipei workshop shall vote for a representative delegate from Taipei and send to Buenos Aires during the first week of December.
1. Represent Taipei workshop, create a summary of the workshop outputs and present in Argentina.
2. Vote on whether to approve the Cardano Constitution
3. Travel costs to Buenos Aires sponsored by Intersect

Sept. 07 Agenda (Subject to change):

9:45 Doors Open

10:00 Welcome Why You Are Here Purpose

Ground Rules / Definitions

10:25 Ice Breaker Questions

10:40 Workshop Ground Rules

10:45 Topics 1 Principles and Tenets

Principles and Tenets
Question 1: Do you believe the tenets in Article I, Section 1 appropriately reflect the ethos of the Cardano Blockchain?

11:45 Break

12:00 Topic 1 Principles and Tenets

Principles and Tenets
Question 2: Should there be an additional tenet addressing financial sustainability of the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem? [Pertains to Art and Guardrails section 2.2 Economic Parameters.]

12:55 Lunch - Catering in the event

13:55 Topic 2 Financial Sustainability of Cardano

Question 6: Contractual obligations governing the use of ada received from the Cardano Blockchain Treasury could be mandated to include dispute resolution provisions. Discuss your thoughts on if the Constitution should require these dispute resolution provisions. [Pertains to: Article 3, Section 8.]

Should the Constitution require these dispute resolution provisions?

14:50 Break

15:05 Topic 2 Financial Sustainability of Cardano

Question 7: Discuss your thoughts on if the Constitution should mandate that budgets include, for example, a contingency fund, an indemnity fund and funds to cover administrative costs of the CC. [Pertains to: Article III Section 8, Article VI.]

Explore Focal Constitution Topic 6

16:00 Break

16:15 Topic 2 Financial Sustainability of Cardano

Question 8: The Cardano community is expected to propose, not less than on an annual basis, a budget for the ongoing maintenance and future development of the Cardano Blockchain. Discuss whether a detailed process for developing and approving the Cardano Budget should be specified in the Constitution. [Pertains to: Article III Section 8]

Should the Constitution provide greater detail about the Cardano budgetary process?

17:10 Delegate Election

17:40 Feedback and Event Wrap Up, Networking

18:00 Doors Close

FutureWard - Central | 共享辦公室出租 Coworking Space
105, Taiwan, Taipei City, Songshan District, Changchun Rd, 343號B1
Located in B1
54 Went