Cover Image for libp2p Day @ Bangkok 2024
Cover Image for libp2p Day @ Bangkok 2024
Avatar for libp2p Events Calendar
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Past Event
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About Event

β€‹πŸš€ libp2p Day is a gathering of developers, researchers, and engaged community members focused on pushing the boundaries of decentralized peer-to-peer networks. This event is where we will dig into turning nuts and bolts solutions and cutting edge research into a usable and robust peer-to-peer networking library for our mobile and ad hoc internet of today. 😎

​​Why Attend?

  • ​Meet the Experts: Many of the maintainers and experts using libp2p in production will also be in attendance giving talks and leading workshops.

  • ​Level up Your Skills: The schedule includes a learning workshop meant to get developers new to libp2p building networks quickly while also covering advanced topics for people with more experience.

  • ​Advanced Topics Discussions: 2024 has see a number of improvements to libp2p with browser-to-browser connectivity, AutoNATv2, and gossip sub improvements. Come learn how to leverage these improvements in your projects.

  • ​Community Participation: At libp2p Day we always set aside time to discuss the project at large and set agendas for the months to come. If you show up, you're the right person. What you care about most is the right thing to discuss and work on. Come help shape the future of libp2p.


​12:00 - Welcome & Intro - Dave Grantham

​12:15 - A toolbox for monitoring the health of libp2p-based Peer-To-Peer Network - Dennis Trautwein

​12:50 - libp2p keynote - Juan Benet

​13:30 - libp2p in Ethereum: from block diffusion to PeerDAS and FullDAS - Csaba Kiraly

​14:00 - Large Message Handling in GossipSub: Potential Improvements - Umar Farooq

​14:30 - BREAK -

​14:45 - Respawning py-libp2p : A PLDG Cohort-1 adventure - Vipul Nayyar

​15:00 - Exploring how libp2p secures $8b+ for the decentralized financial system - Angus Tookey

​15:15 - create-libp2p: Your P2P Network, Your Way - Chad Nehemiah

​15:30 - Waku Mega Presentation Panel - Franck Royer

​16:30 - Evaluation of the Ethereum P2P Network for Data Availability Sampling - Leo Bautista-Gomez

​17:00 - js-libp2p Custom Protocol Development Workshop - Chad Nehemiah

​18:00 - Closing Goodbye

​You can participate before, during, and after the event by joining the event Telegram group:

​You may also join one of our community chat channels:

U Sathorn Bangkok
Thung Maha Mek, Sathon, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
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