Cover Image for MtN AMA: Make your data team a research team with Jimmy Mogrip
Cover Image for MtN AMA: Make your data team a research team with Jimmy Mogrip
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MtN AMA: Make your data team a research team with Jimmy Mogrip

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This week we're joined by Jimmy Mogrip, Global Director of Insights at Podimo.

If you read the article Are we approaching a value crisis? you'll remember Jimmy's team in the positive examples of data teams adding more value:

Case Study 4: A team for the big, hairy problems

Lastly, one team I spoke to had a research branch of their data team that was responsible for tackling some of the company’s biggest, messiest problems (e.g. How to engage users?). By creating a team in charge of those big problems, and by successfully addressing some of those problems, their value was evident and felt by the wider organization.

Creating even a small team that is responsible for driving value can be a powerful way to change the discussion around your data team.

Jimmy will be hosting this week's coffee to talk about:

  • why he created a research arm of his data team

  • what does that look like, how has it changed things?

  • who else will benefit from doing the same

  • any cautions for people starting their own research arm (or similar)

  • and any other questions from attendees!

It's not one to miss! See you there :)

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Presented by
More Than Numbers
Virtual coffees, AMAs, and more.
15 Went