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[Boston] Rare Fruit Tasting
Past Event
About Event
Welcome to the Internet Pipes June monthly event. This month's special activity?
Rare fruit tastings. Ever heard of oishii or white-jewel strawberries? How about Yubari King or Densuke melons? Mangosteen or snake fruit?
Or paw-paws... the fruit people say tastes like a mix between mango-banana-citrus?
We're a bit beholden to the seasons of each fruit, but rest assured that at this event, you'll be able to try at least a few new fruits and compare them to some of your favorites.
Check out Location Station (in the Generator) for a sense of where this is going. 😊
Steph will be present and facilitating this tasting! If you'd like to volunteer to run something similar in your city, shoot her an email at hello@internetpipes.com.