Talent Strategy Session
Your overwhelmingly positive feedback set the stage for the return of the talent strategy session as a regularly scheduled series bringing together talent leaders to discuss and work through the sensitive topics they're navigating in a safe community setting.
As a reminder, to provide programming with impact, this workshop lasts ~90 minutes and begins at 8:30 am CT - allowing you to grab the coffee you need before settling in to talk about the talent topics that are top of mind for you this time of year.
This time around, we're cutting back on the number of topics and lengthening talk time so we can dive deeper into the issues living rent-free in your heads.
Our Agenda:
5 Min | Introduction
15 Min | Mental Health: Managing Burnout
10 Min | Group Chat
15 Min | State of Recruitment
10 Min | Group Chat
15 Min | Money Matters: All About Compensation
10 Min | Group Chat
15 Min | Potpourri: What Did We Miss?
10 Min | Group Chat
Till next time!!